Curriculum Vitae

A short description of Frank's scientific engagement

Frank studied physics at the II. Institute of Theorectical Physics of the University of Hamburg. He finished his diploma thesis "q-deformed Ward identities and Quantum groups" in 1991. Thereafter he worked at the Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology on the fields of ecosystem modelling, statistical analysis of the earth system and coupled sea ice-ocean modelling of the North Sea and adjacent North Atlantic. Accompanying his supervisor Hans von Storch he switched in 1996 to the Institute of Coastal Research at the GKSS Research Center. He finalized his scientific education in 1998 with a Ph.D. on the "Regionalization of Climate Model Results for the North Sea" carried out as part of the EU-Project "ESEL".

Since 1999 Frank is employed at the Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Departement Climate Sciences. He is concerned with the analysis and modelling of the high-latitude sea ice-ocean system. He participitated in the EU-Project VEINS and was responsible for the Project "Variability of the North Atlantic Current and predictability of the varibility of the Nordic Seas and Arctic Ocean" funded by the German Ministry of Education and Science. Frank is also concerned with the reconstruction of atmospheric surface fields of the 20th century to force coupled sea ice-ocean models of the Arctic partly funded by the EU-INTAS project "The Nordic Seas in the global climate system" and the reconstruction of sea ice variability of the Arctic with the help of proxy data.

At O.A.Sys Frank is currently responsible for the generation of the tangent linear and adjoint code of the NAOSIM (pdf) model (proposed in the DAMOCLES project - tight collaboration with FastOpt). Together with Michael he is performing the model runs and analyses proposed in the AOMIP project.