Time |
Title |
Authors |
DAY 1 |
9:00 |
Welcome and logistics, Goals, Introduction |
Leif Toudal Pedersen, Lars-Anders Breivik, Tom Carrieres, Frank Kauker |
9:30 |
Validation of a regional coupled ocean/sea ice model in Nares Strait |
Till Rasmussen |
10:00 |
Development of operational coupled sea ice and ocean model at DMI |
Stiig Wilkenskjeld |
10:15 |
Canceled |
10:45 |
Break |
11:15 |
Parameter sensitivity to assimilation of different data in a sea-ice model using the Ensemble Kalman Filter |
Christof Koenig Beatty |
11:45 |
Assimilation of sea ice observations in a coupled ocean sea ice state estimate of the Labrador Sea using the adjoint method |
Ian Fenty |
12:15 |
Lunch |
13:30 |
Discussion: Is there an optimal ice model for all purposes or classes of models that are more appropriate to ice services or climate modeling. How close are we to having a linearized version of a coupled ice-ocean model? |
Moderator: Tom Carrieres |
14:30 |
Assimilation of observed and unobserved ocean and sea ice |
Lars Axell |
15:00 |
Break |
15:30 |
Variational assimilation of hydrographic and ice concentration observations into a coupled ocean sea ice model of the Arctic |
Thomas Kaminski |
15:45 |
Quantitative Network Design |
Thomas Kaminski |
16:00 |
Adjoint analysis of the summer 2007 low in Arctic sea-ice area |
Frank Kauker |
16:30 |
Discussion: Strengths and weaknesses of DA techniques and how each can benefit from the other. |
Moderator: Mark Buehner |
19:30 |
Workshop Dinner at the Copenhagen Planetarium |
DAY 2 |
9:00 |
An overview of some Environment Canada sea ice data assimilation projects |
Tom Carrieres |
9:30 |
Sea ice thickness categories and their error covariances for assimilation with a three-dimensional variational data assimilation system |
Alain Caya |
10:00 |
Towards the use of high-resolution remote sensing data in a three-dimensional variational analysis system: A collaboration with OSI-SAF |
Mark Buehner |
10:30 |
Break |
11:00 |
Assessment of the ECCO2 regional optimized solution in the Arctic |
An T. Nguyen |
11:30 |
Discussion: Background error estimation, use of observations, etc. What are main sources of sea-ice background error (i.e. 12-24h forecasts):atmospheric forcing error? ocean forcing error? sciences of ice model? uncertain parameters (drag coeff., yield curve)? What fraction of the error can be explained by: ice displacement errors? melt/growth errors? |
Moderator: Lars-Anders Breivik |
12:30 |
Lunch |
13:30 |
The joint NSIDC and EUMETSAT sea ice re-analysis |
Rasmus Tonboe |
14:00 |
The DAMOCLES project and beyond - recent advances in oceanographic observations in arctic regions and the legacy of IPY oceanography |
Jean Claude Gascard |
14:30 |
Measurements of Arctic sea ice thickness with upward-looking sonars in 2004 and 2007 |
Joao Rodrigues |
15:00 |
Break |
15:30 |
OSI SAF SEA Ice products and their use in ocean-ice-model data assimilation |
Lars-Anders Breivik |
16:00 |
The met.no ice chart archive |
Nick Hughes |
16:30 |
Discussion: can models and data assimilations systems improve the utility of observations and re-analyses |
Moderator: Leif Toudal Pedersen |
DAY 3 |
9:00 |
Arctic Wide Ice Motion Estimation from Operational Satellite Imagery: improving the time span and accuracy of low resolution products |
Thomas Lavergne |
9:30 |
High resolution Arctic Sea Ice drift |
Leif Toudal Pedersen |
10:00 |
Satellite remote sensing of Arctic surface parameters at University of Bremen |
Christian Melsheimer |
10:30 |
Break |
11:00 |
Discussion: Intro by Thomas Lavergne - Satellite derived ice drift is NOT velocity. Operational sources of sea ice drift and thickness, error estimation and representativeness |
Moderator: Thomas Lavergne |
12:00 |
Planning: collaboration, future meetings, etc. |
12:30 |
Lunch, meeting end |
13:30 |
IICWG IPY Project coordination |